Kufia, 100 matite per la Palestina | BLOG |

Kufia, 100 matite per la Palestina | BLOG |



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Kufia | Visual blog for Palestine

A collection of images, artworks and words is opens to every contribute from world wide, collectives and individuals, as supporting tool to "Kufia project - 100 disegnatori per la Palestina" (100 illustrators for Palestine). The goal of these pages is the comparison, the harvest of ideas, projects that are supporting the palestinian struggle for self-determination.

You can add this project publishing your own artworks or words, spreading around the url, telling it to your friends.


{Italian here}



  Network for Kufia

 Inguine.net | Main
 Ubq.it | Blog
 HateTv.it | Music
 Designradar.it | Action

A visual blog for Palestine.
Questa raccolta di immagini e parole, aperta ai contributi di tutti gli utenti, gruppi e sensibilità diffuse, è un supporto al progetto Kufia, 100 disegnatori per la Palestina.
Lo scopo di queste pagine è il confronto, la raccolta di idee, spunti, progetti che sostengano la lotta di autodeterminazione del popolo palestinese.

Potete partecipare al progetto pubblicando le vostre immagini e parole, diffondendo questo url, parlandone con amici e invitandoli a partecipare e sostenere.


{English here}


Publish Archive The project Contacts Credits

 Title: Militante della Brigata di Al Aqsa

Militante della Brigata di Al Aqsa

Name: gianluca costantini
Txt: Cosa è il mio assolo in faccia al vostro coro. (da Kalikes, poesia di Itrik Manger
Militante della Brigata di Al Aqsa
... alla vita una cintura carica di esplosivo.

Url\Email: http://www.gianlucacostantini.com
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 Title: Aftermath of the Snow Storms at Baqa'a Agency Camp (1969):

Aftermath of the Snow Storms at Baqa'a Agency Camp (1969):

Name: gianluca costantini
Txt: Losing her tent in the winter storms of February 1969 was a major tragedy for this displaced Palestinian refugee woman who found shelter in Baqa'a emergency camp, east Jordan.

Credit: UNRWA Photo by Munir Nasr.

Url\Email: http://www.alnakba.org
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Name: Gianluca Costantini
Txt: **TUESDAY 6/1/2004 @ 6:00 PM


Program of the Event:

Book Signing: 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm (Al-Kasaba Cafeteria)

Poetry Reading: 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm (Al-Kasaba Theatre)

**Original Copies of the book will be available for sale.

This long awaited event is done in cooperation with Khalil Sakakini Cultural

Centre & The Ministry of Culture

Url\Email: http://www.sakakini.org/projectsevents/january04.htm
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 Title: Stop the Wall

Stop the Wall

Name: Gianluca Costantini
Txt: Dal 1 aprile al 14 e' in edicola "Stop the Wall" - il muro dell'apartheid in Palestina, edito da il manifesto, Liberazione, Carta. La pubblicazione e' curata dalla rete delle Ong palestinesi "Pengon": "una ricerca per affrontare uno dei problemi piu' attuali e drammatici del conflitto mediorientale, provando a capirne meglio le ragioni e gli effetti". Prefazione di Stefano Chiarini e Lanfranco Lannutti, interventi di Jamal Juma', Khaled Al Shanti, Abdul-latif Khaled.
Con allegata la mappa del muro, in vendita a 5,50 euro.

Url\Email: http://www.gianlucacostantini.com
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 Title: Artists Without Walls will render the annexation -wall transparent

Artists Without Walls will render the annexation -wall transparent

Name: Gianluca Costantini
Txt: Israeli and Palestinian artists have come together to create "Artists Without Walls",
a permanent forum for dialogue between individuals engaged in all fields of art and culture.

When: Thursday, April 1st at 6:00 o¹clock P.M.

Where: Abu-Dis ­ Ras-Kubsa square, by the gas-station.

Meeting Point:
Buses reaching French Hill: 4, 4 A, from center of town
28 from central bus station

French Hill
Corner of Ha¹agana and Etzel Street
(in the parking lot in front of Dominos Pizza).


Between 5:00 and 6:00 pm

Shuttle Mini buses will travel back and forth between French Hill and Abu Dis
More info http://pia.omweb.org

Url\Email: http://www.gianlucacostantini.com
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